Sektion Kristallographie

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Kolloquium / Oberseminar WS 2022/2023 / 17.10.2022 -10.02.2023

Kristallographisches Kolloquium / Oberseminar im Wintersemester 2022/2023


Raum: C-111, Theresienstrasse 41, 80333 München

Beginn: Freitag 10:15 Uhr


eingeladener Sprecher & Titel

18. November

Prof. Dr. Helmut Cölfen

Physikalische Chemie, Universität Konstanz

Analytical Methods to investigate Particle Formation and Size Distributions 

25. November

Dr. Nicolas Peter

Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung, Forschungszentrum Jülich

Interface structures and their influence on mechanical deformation

13. Januar


20. Januar

 Prof. Dr. Thomas Steuber

Khalifa University of Science and Technology, Abu Dhabi (UAE)

Vortrag im Rahmen von Frontiers in Earth Sciences, Munich GeoCenter (MUC), Arcisstr. 21, room: 2408, 14:00-16:00pm

Biogeodynamics of Cretaceous Carbonate Depositional Systems

27. Januar

Talk 1 @10:15-10:45 by Dr. Vladimir Hutanu (TUM)

Irradiation facilities and their applications at FRM II

Discussion @10:45-11:00

Talk 2 @11:00-11:30 by Dr. Xiaosong Li (TUM)

Gamma irradiation and gamma-spectrometry for geo-science at FRM II

Discussion @11:30-11:45


Talk 1 @10:15-11:00 by Prof. Dr. Knut Müller-Caspary (LMU)

Diskussion @11:00-11:15 

Talk 2 @11:15-12:00 Prof. Dr. Giehyeon Lee (Yonsei Univ., Seoul, Süd-Korea)

Abiotic processes of Mn solid formation in the Earth's surface environment

Diskussion @12:00-12:15  


Prof. Dr. Thierry Azais 

Condensed Matter Chemistry Laboratory, Sorbonne University, Paris (France)

Input of solid state NMR for the comprehension of biomineralisation processes a the molecular level


PD A. Winkelmann 

AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków (Poland)

 Kikuchi Diffraction: Principles and Applications for Materials Analysis

Das Kolloquium / Oberseminar findet immer während der Vorlesungszeit statt.